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17 May 2024

Pickering Software Services Limited


Transferring and transforming data from MIS Systems' HAMIS into ArcHouse.

The scenario

A group of Housing Association's had procured Orchard Information Systems' ArcHouse Housing Management System running on Windows and had planned to move all the group members over to it.

The first planned migration was from MIS Active Management Systems Limited HAMIS Housing Management System.

The steps: Adress Verification

One of the first issues was encountered when trying to convert the HAMIS addresses into a usable form. To do this, a lot of Address Verification was performed resulting in many addresses in HAMIS being corrected to make them consistent. The main method used was to compare the address held in HAMIS against the address held for the same postcode in the Royal Mail PAF (postcode address file). Any inconsistencies were highlighted and either the address or the postcode were modified in HAMIS to ensure consistency.